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Bulk-upload files to artifactory

I found myself needing to upload a large amount of RPM files to artifactory. I don't have maven installed, and am not too familiar with it, so I took a look at Artifactory's REST API documentation and put together a small shell script to do what I need:

# Upload directory to artifactory

die() {
	printf %s\\n "$*" >&2
	exit ${rc:-1}

usage() {
	prog=`basename "$0"`
	rc=2 die "Usage: ${prog} [-s url] [-u user] [-p pass] srcdir dstdir"

askpass() {
	read -rsp "$1: " pass
	printf '%s' "$pass"

# Remove leading and trailing slashes
trim() {
	printf %s "$1" | sed 's,^/\+,,;s,/\+$,,'

upload() {
	src="$1"; shift
	dst=`trim "$1"`; shift

	status=`(cd "$src" && tar c .) | upload_tar "$url/$dst/.tar"`
	case "$status" in
	(200) return 0;;
	(403) die "403 Forbidden" ;;
	(401) die "401 Invalid credentials" ;;
	(*) die "Error code ${status}";;

upload_tar() {
	dst="$1"; shift
	curl -o /dev/null -# -u "$auth" -X PUT -w '%{http_code}' \
		-H 'X-Explode-Archive: true' \
		--data-binary @/dev/stdin "$dst"


while getopts :u:p:s: arg
do case "$arg" in
	(u) user="$OPTARG"           ;;
	(p) pass="$OPTARG"           ;;
	(s) url=`trim "$OPTARG"` ;;
	(*) usage                    ;;
esac; done
shift `expr $OPTIND - 1`; unset OPTIND

[ "$pass" ] || pass=`askpass "Artifactory password for ${user}"`
[ $# -eq 2 ] || usage

upload "$@"

I believe most of the REST API in artifactory is restricted in the free version. However, if you use Artifactory pro, this script might save you a bit of time.